Four Rules of Firearm Safety
Rule 1: Treat every weapon as if it is loaded
Rule 2: Never point the weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot/destroy
Rule 3: Keep finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire
Rule 4: Ensure identification of the target and its surroundings
* When receiving or handling a firearm for the first time, ALWAYS check to ensure the chamber is empty
Six Rules of Responsible Firearm Ownership / Operation
Know the operations of your firearm.
Know the compatible ammunition for your firearm.
Ear and Eye protection should always be worn.
Never use firearms while under the influence of drugs
or alcohol.
Children need to be educated about firearms safety.
Always store your firearms inaccessible to
unauthorized users.
Children and Firearms
Firearms are not toys! They are a tool. Explain to your child that a REAL firearm is not a toy and should NEVER be played with. Firearms are dangerous. Your child may have been exposed to pretend gun violence in movies, television, video games, and through play with other children. Would you please talk with your children about what they see in the media and explain that it is not real? Advise them that a real firearm can permanently injure or kill the person handling it or anyone nearby. Teach your children the immediate steps to take if they encounter a firearm: 1. Stop 2. Don't Touch 3. Leave the area 4. Tell a responsible adult. This sequence of actions can save lives. Instilling these rules in your child prepares them to handle a potentially dangerous situation confidently and safely.
Remember, the key to Firearm safety is to:
1. Stop
2. Don't Touch
3. Leave the area
4. Tell a responsible adult.
These steps should be ingrained in your child's mind.
One common reason people seek a Utah Concealed Firearm Permit is education. Waives the $7.50 background check fee for purchasing a firearm (Utah residents only). Recognition of Utah’s permit by currently 37 states Permit valid for five years. Lower permit cost compared to many other states. Utah law makes no distinction or defines what type of firearm a concealed firearm holder can possess or how many.
Why you still want and need a Utah Carry Permit?
Why You Should Get and Keep a Utah Permit
• To carry a firearm on public or private school premises, including charter schools and religious schools (kindergarten through 12th-grade schools) and public or private institutions of higher education (colleges and universities)
• With a Utah Permit, you can have a loaded handgun, rifle, shotgun, and muzzle-loading rifle in your vehicle, providing you with a versatile and comprehensive self-defense option.
• To carry a firearm in all the 37 states/territories that recognize the Utah Concealed Firearms Permit (Utah residents)
• To be exempt from paying the $7.50 background check fee when purchasing a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer in Utah
At all times, we advocate for more Training and Education. Obtaining a Utah Concealed Firearms Permit is a crucial step in this journey, ensuring you are a responsible and informed firearm owner.